St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Memphis, TN, USA
A postdoctoral research associate position is available in the lab of Tanja Mittag. Project Description: The Mittag laboratory invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate Position to work towards understanding the role of stress granules in neurodegenerative diseases via a combination of in vitro biophysics experiments and approaches in cells. Fibrillar inclusions of RNA-binding proteins are the hallmarks of these neurodegenerative diseases, and abundant data links their formation to persistent stress granules. Our recent work has highlighted that condensates are metastable with respect to fibrils, and that metastable condensates suppress fibril formation. ALS-associated mutations enhance the stability of fibrils and the rate of fibril formation by weakening condensate metastability ( Building on these in vitro observations, we discovered that wild-type behaviors of stress granules in cells can...