CTR Management Group
Remote (Fort Collins, CO, USA)
Position Objective: The Chief of the National Guard Bureau, IAW Public Law 112.239, Sec 513, established a program to provide professionals (to be known as Transition Assistance Advisors (TAAs) in each State, the District of Columbia, and any territory of the United States to serve as points of contact to assist eligible members of the Reserve Components, their families and Veterans in accessing benefits and healthcare furnished under the laws administered by the Secretary of Defense and benefits and health care furnished under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The contractor shall ensure Reserve Component Transition Assistance Advisor services and activities are in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction 1332.35, Directive-Type Memorandum 12-007, in accordance with Public Law (P.L.) 112- 239 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2013, Sec 513; Title X, United States Code, Chapter 58, sub-sections 1142, 1143, 1144(a), 1144(b), and...